Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Selecting Not Hiring Talent

A great book that I recommend that you read is the story of the RItz-Carlton Hotel Company.  It is titled 'The New Gold Standard'.

A section of this book covers the attraction and development of staff, with a key point within that section being the 'selecting' of individuals as opposed to the simple hiring of heads.  What does this mean ?

In a nutshell taking great care to ensure that those that are brought into an organisation can integrate with that organisation's values and vision.  The recruitment process is a crucial and highly time consuming event in the life of any organisation.  Great care needs to be taken (particularly by small companies) because losing an individual can cause a great distraction.

The current market conditions are an ideal time to upskill your organisation.  With unemployment on the rise there are an abundance of really talented people out there.

So work out what you need.  Be selective on whom you engage with.  Upskill in an opportunistic marketplace.